How to Stay Healthy and Financially Independent at 50+ (Elderly Health and Well-Being)

Ageing is a gradual process but ageing well is mainly about good health and making the right choices, at the right time, towards a fulfilling and healthy living and way of life. Being well and fit doesn’t mean that we will be illness-free. Rather, wellness is an active means towards change and self-growth which can be described as a lifestyle of emotional, physical, psychological and general social well-being. It is not solely an absence of sickness, challenges, or disorders.

There is a claim that the effects of ageing start at about 35 years and increases steadily after that. This may sound logical but if you are my age, over sixty, you know that the ageing process begins when the little issues start to creep in. reduced vitality, cellular degeneration, swelling feet, loss of skin elasticity, body changes, moods, aches and pains, including diseases and disorders. But in this century, we have no excuses. You are indeed as young as you feel. And how you feel depends on several factors – health, wellness, and well-being.

Being happy is very crucial to our well-being, meaning that an unhealthy person is an unhappy individual. Our well-being is also tied to our mental health which is to say that our positive emotions must override the negative for us to remain sane. So, how do we differentiate between health, wellness, and well-being? To some, the words can be interchangeable, but that is not so.

What is important to our health?

Health is a state of being. It refers to our physical and mental state. When we are healthy, we have lower health risks, and when we have lower health risks, we have less chronic disorders and diseases and less health care expenses. We must try our possible best to prevent certain health conditions like diabetes, macular degeneration, hypertension, stroke, cardiovascular diseases, and neurological disorders.

Our happiness and well-being are also tied to having good health and when we are healthy, there are higher chances of living longer and being more productive.

What is crucial to our wellness?

Being wholesome and hearty. Some things can guarantee our wellness, but it majorly depends on environmental factors, emotional states, social standing, our spirituality (religious or not), occupation and pastimes, intellect, and health. To achieve the state of mind that’s best for our wellness and well-being, we must care for both our body and minds. We must eat healthily and well, taking our supplements at all times (at this age, we need it), surround ourselves with positive people only, live for the moment (yes!), stay away from toxic relationships, be humble and grateful at all times, sleep well, and do mild exercises.

What is tied to our well-being?

Well-being is associated with happiness. Our well-being must not be confused with wellness. It is centred around emotions and when our emotions are positive ones, we will be happy and content. However, when our moods are negative, we become anxious, may fall into depression, and generally feel lethargic. The elements of wellbeing are basically finding ways to occupy your time, enjoy what you do, maintain robust relationships, be sociable, and effectively manage your economic life and finances.

What is the difference between health, wellness, and well-being?

Many appear to use these three words interchangeably, but they all don’t mean the same thing. Basically, health is a state of being, wellness means living a healthy lifestyle, and well-being is associated with happiness. And while wellness is associated with health and prevention, and well-being is related to our state of mind.

How about keeping a roof over your head and food on your table, managing your health care, finances and social life and doing everything else it takes to remain independent after 60?

How to Invest in Your Health, Wellness, and Well-Being

Getting close to retirement and beyond means that we need to invest in our future. Many boomers who have worked for themselves all their lives don’t have a pension plan. This is risky. Yes, some countries have social security that takes care of their seniors, but most other countries don’t. And even with these monthly benefits, while beneficiaries are rising, funds are dwindling. So, no matter what you do, it is wise to invest in the future. So, how does one invest in the future?

By doing things that you love; marketing, creating and selling crafts, writing and selling courses, blogging about what you love, teaching online, building miniatures, affiliate marketing, creating apps; the list is limitless. But you must be healthy and positive before you can feel like investing.

When you lack good health, everything else in life suffers and it becomes harder to feel good or concentrate on enjoying the good side of life. You become stressed out and feel utterly overwhelmed. So, if you want to do well in all areas of life, make your health a priority.

For further information on where and how to get AIM Global products, please leave a comment, or, contact me on my Facebook page: @healthwellnessat50plus

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