50+ Benefits of Cold-Pressed Coconut Oil

Is the efficacy of coconut oil a fact, hype, or myth? Out of curiosity and as a fan of anything naturally therapeutic (with health benefits), I decided to research this so-called miracle oil and find out what it is about. What I discovered about virgin coconut oil has made me appreciate the importance of introducing this natural oil into my daily regimen.

Coconut meat and its cold-pressed oil.

I discovered its benefits and therapeutic qualities a few years ago. Before then, all I knew about coconuts was that their flesh tastes nice and that coconut is used in many food products like cakes, candy, chocolates, cookies, and soups. I also knew coconut water was a refreshing drink. It is also a treatment for oral rehydration therapy (ORT). And coconut milk? I used it for my favourite dish, frejon, a delicious coconut bean soup of Brazilian origin eaten on Good Fridays.

Then, there are the fronds, by-products used for building materials in rural areas, and coconut husks used to make things like floor mats, brushes, cooking 'fuel', and building material components. Quite a lot, but I soon discovered more about virgin coconut oil.

Restorative and Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

Although coconut oil had been used for frying, cooking, and skin and hair care for centuries, it is doubtful that the natives who used it way back then knew its therapeutic benefits. But then, we may never be a hundred per cent certain. Many schools of thought believe they knew of its healing benefits and therapeutic qualities, some of which modern man has rediscovered.

According to the Coconut Research Centre, a not-for-profit organization in Sri Lanka, cold-press coconut oil is therapeutic. Cold-pressed coconut oil is described as virgin oil and is clear and colourless.

This clear oil with a subtly sweet smell can guard against certain common health conditions. It can also alleviate (and even cure) many other diseases and disorders. Fifty-one of them are listed here:

1. Immune system booster.

2. Boosts the production of insulin in type 2 diabetes patients.

3. Good for brain health.

4. It provides the body with good cholesterol and improves its ratio, which reduces the risk of heart disease.

5. Treats abscesses and boils when used as an oil-pulling compound.

6. Helps to prevent nausea, especially in pregnant women.

7. Treat scabies and other skin diseases.

8. Protects against kidney diseases, dissolves kidney stones, and prevents bladder infections.

9. Treats jaundice and helps eradicate the symptoms of the disease by treating the problem at its root (the liver).

10. Possesses antioxidant properties that inhibit oxidation.

11. Shrink moles and warts and other similar skin growths.

12. Treats psoriasis, a common skin condition that abnormally speeds up the life cycle of skin cells.

13. Great for the skin. Virgin coconut oil also promotes nail and hair growth.

14. Boosts energy and increases endurance, especially for athletes and exercise enthusiasts.

15. Good remedy for oil pulling (an ancient Ayurvedic dental technique used to draw out toxins from the mouth).

16. Possesses teeth-whitening properties and is also beneficial for gum health.

17. Reduces problems associated with cystic fibrosis.

18. Improves bowel and digestive functions.

19. Its use reduces the risk of heart disease.

20. Relieves symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

21. Supports thyroid functions.

22. Increases body metabolic rate.

23. Treatment for baldness and hair thinning is common among middle-aged individuals.

24. A good remedy for wound healing, scratches, and bruises because of its tissue repair properties.

25. Alleviates irregular and painful menstruation.

26. Kills and prevents hair lice in humans and pets.

27. Kills viruses associated with herpes, influenza, and measles in children.

28. Kills bacteria that cause urinary tract infection (UTI).

29. Treats ringworm, diaper rash in babies, and thrush.

30. Reduces the symptoms of pancreatitis, a disease in which the pancreas becomes inflamed.

31. Helps in the development of strong bones and teeth.

32. Protects against osteoporosis.

33. Helps to prevent tooth decay and helps to clear halitosis.

34. Prevents harmful free radicals that promote degenerative diseases.

35. Reduces epileptic seizures.

36. Helps to prevent obesity and excessive weight gain.

37. Cures arthritis (the risk of this disorder increases as we grow older).

38. Has miraculous brain healing abilities that can reverse Alzheimer's and prevent the onset of dementia.

39. Fights many neurological and neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's disease.

40. Will prevent the onset of dementia if taken regularly from the age of fifty.

41. Coconut oil cures genital herpes.

42. Cures shingles, a painful acute inflammation of the nerve ganglia.

43. Treats mild and severe acid reflux.

44. Treats and clears eczema.

45. Helps to heal burns fast and prevents them from developing into blisters.

46. Kills and expels tapeworms.

47. Improves magnesium and calcium absorption in the body.

48. Helps relieve symptoms associated with gallbladder disease.

49. Alleviates pain and discomfort caused by haemorrhoids.

50. Virgin coconut oil protects the arteries from the causes of atherosclerosis.

51. Helps to protect the body from the colon, breast, and other forms of cancer and can remove pre-cancerous skin lesions.

The Healthiest Oil on Earth

There are numerous success stories from users of cold-pressed coconut oil. They claim that the oil has no side effects, is non-toxic to humans and animals, and is quite palatable to the taste.

Summed up in one statement, it "is the healthiest oil on earth", and if you research further, you will find that coconut oil is one item you should endeavour to add to your diet. Just two tablespoons of virgin coconut oil is what most require each day.

(Portions from © viryabo2.hubpages 2010) 

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