This Is What We Have to Do When We Start to Age

How true is it that we start to age around thirty-five? What does this mean? That, whatever the state of our health and wellness is, we begin to age slowly and steadily after the first three decades of our lives?
Well, it does sound logical, doesn’t it? But in reality, we can also say that we begin to age from the day we are born. So what’s the whole din about ageing?
If thirty-five years old is the yardstick, excuse me, but that is young, especially for us who are almost twice that age!

Stay happy and positive at all times, laugh a lot and have fun. (Image used under license from iStockPhoto)

If You are Over Fifty

To the 50+, this is the reality. Around the age of fifty, sometimes earlier, minor health issues start to rear their hydra-heads. If we are fortunate, the minor health issues won’t beat us down. If not, well… not-so-good. This is when we start to feel and see the subtle signs of ageing, great genes or not.
What to do to stop it? Nothing. However, slowing it down is easy.
Ageing well doesn’t always depend on luck. For a few, maybe. But for the large majority, we need to give it a nudge. Heaven helps those who help themselves.

Major Changes to Expect

As we age, we expect three major changes – body, physiological, and psychological.

Body changes
  • Wrinkles, like crow’s feet and fine lines.
  • Loss of skin elasticity.
  • Duller, drier, and thinner skin.
  • Age spots and open facial pores.
  • Skin tags.
  • Bad breath.
Physiological changes
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure).
  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Diabetes, or bronchial asthma.
  • Cataracts.
  • Anaemia and skin problems.
  • Cardiovascular.
Psychological changes
  • Depression.
  • Anxiety disorders.
  • Psychotic disorders.
  • Memory loss.
  • Empty nest syndrome.
  • Identity crisis.
  • Feelings of inferiority and hopelessness.

Here are 7 Simple Things to Do

  1. Eat well.
  2. Exercise regularly. Sweep, clean, mop, dust, etc. Regard house chores as good exercise. Forget treadmills, early morning jogs, planks and all. Doing that hard stuff is great. But you don’t have to.
  3. Take nutritional/dietary supplements. This is important. My daily supplement regimen includes vitamins C, A, E, and D. However, before you take any of these vitamins/supplements, discuss it with your doctor.
  4. Stay happy and positive at all times, laugh a lot and have fun.
  5. Be grateful for the great opportunity you have to live life.
  6. Love, love, and love people around you, whether they are family, friends, neighbours, or colleagues.
  7. Listen to music while you do your chores, cook, or whatever. Its therapeutic benefits are so underrated.
Ageing is a gradual process. However, ageing well is mainly about maintaining good health and making the right choices at the right time towards a fulfilling and healthy way of life. It is not solely an absence of sickness, challenges, or disorders.
Being well and fit doesn’t mean that we will be illness-free. Rather, wellness is an active and determined means towards change and self-growth. This can be described as a lifestyle of emotional, physical, psychological and general social well-being.